This year when my parents arrived here, we gifted them iPad Air and we didn't expect Baba to fall in love with it. I had to either get new cover for it or just come up with something. So below is my rough diagram that I started with:
I had below fabric cuts:
- 15.875 in x 10.5 in Inside Fabric
- 15.875 in x 10.5 in Outside Fabric
- 3 in x 10.5 in Outside Fabric
- 15.875 in x 10.5 in Thick double sided interfacing (2)
I cut these sizes of cardboard from moving boxes
- 8.125 in x 10.125 in
- 5 in x 10.125 in
- 3 in x 10.125 in
- 0.25 in x 10.125 in
I didn't measure how much white knit elastic I used but since I had it in pieces anyways I could just reuse those scraps.
These are the steps I followed:
- On the inside fabric with right side on top, stitch elastics as shown below. I placed iPad and saw how it fits before stitching but just pinning the elastic. It should stretch elastic a little bit for snug fit.
- I took the 3 in wide outside fabric and folding it with right side together stitched it along its length. After that i folded in out and cut a loop of size 2.5 inch and used rest to create a belt. Just top-stitch to give its size. Stitch the belt loop to outer fabric about 2.5 inch from the length (10.5 in side) on right where iPad will sit and belt to the other side at 2.5 inch deep. Note that these sides are when the wrong side of outer fabric is on top as that's how it will be when cover is stitched. The belt and loop will serve multiple purpose, closing the cover when iPad is not in use, keeping the iPad to standing position in two different positions for better reading on counter or bedside.
- Then I stacked interfacing topped with inside fabric with right side on top. Then on top of it outside fabric with wrong side on top, followed by interfacing on top. Be careful not to stitch belt loop.
- Stitched the both ends along the height (10.5 inch side) with 1/8th inch as margin.
- Folded out the fabric inside out such that the two interfacing are inside and both inside and outside fabric's right side is facing out.
- Now the tough part begin. Push in 8.125 inch wide cardboard inside between two interfacing on the right side (note inside fabric is on top at this point), iron that part so interfacing stick to fabric and cardboard and then stitch to its left side.
- Follow same process for 0.25 inch wide cardboard, 3 inch wide cardboard and then 5 inch wide cardboard in order with pushing each cardboard and stitching to its right except for last two where you would place both cardboard and then stitch between them,
- fold the top and bottom edges of fabric inside and stitch them. I had to hand stitch these parts because it was just too tough to pin or manage it by one hand and stitch correctly on machine. Used simple hem but did stitch once from right to left and once from left to right.
In the end everything came together well but I think if I had accounted for thickness little better during cutting, it wouldn't have been so tough to stitch.
indeed this came out really well ! ... Now even i can use it without the fear of it falling on the floor and damaging both ;-)